Schnier Elektrostatik – Logo

bei Schnier

So arbeiten wir

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress, working together is success”

Henry Ford

Therefore you should work for us

Free coffee and drinks

During the work time there is always water available, free and unlimited. Also our WMF Bistro coffee machine with coffee specialties, such as cappuccino, latte macchiato, espresso, etc. are always available for free. During breaks and at quitting time employees can help themselves in the SE lounge at the drinks refrigerator.

Free coffee and drinks
Breakfast together

Traditionally on every last Monday in the month there is a shared, generous breakfast in the SE lounge.

Breakfast together
Music in the work place

Everything is better with music! The Sonos sound system creates a great sound in the SE lounge as well as in the offices and the entire production.

Music in the work place
Company events

Along with the traditional Christmas celebration, there are also events such as curling, cooking/grilling lessons, beer brewing lessons, company outings, Summer festival, and more. Common events such as these promote team spirit and improve the working atmosphere.

Company events
Quiet room

Next to the lounge is our quiet room with Shiatsu massage chairs, iPod with relaxing music and BOSE noise canceling headphones.

Here employees can retreat at any time to relax or tank up on energy. Also ideal at quitting time to relax before going home.

SE garden with Koi pond and Weber grill

Our beautiful company garden with Koi pond, wooden terrace and Weber Summit gas grill is inviting in the summer to linger. On Fridays the tradition is to grill together, however the Weber grill may also be used on any other weekday.

SE garden with Koi pond and Weber grill
SE lounge

In 2016 the SE lounge was built – a 120 square-meter area with 75" TV, table football, bar, cigar lounge and kitchen. During breaks or at quitting time all drinks are freely available.

Every employee may celebrate their birthday here each year.

Also there are regular company events with live music held in the SE lounge.

SE lounge
Profit sharing

The best company achieves nothing without good employees. Profit is gained together and everyone should profit from it. For years SCHNIER Elektrostatik GmbH has shared the profit with all employees with a generous, profit-dependent premium.

Profit sharing

We expect this

Independent work for the good of the company

We expect that everyone in the team contributes their best possible for the success of the company. We are all like cogwheels in a clockwork, if one jams then the entire clock does not function. We require that every employee gives their best and is fully motivated in their job. Employees who need to be pushed are in the wrong company with us.

Friendly, respectful and helpful dealings with each other

We expect a fair and friendly manner in the team. "Harassment behind your back" is not tolerated. Interpersonal problems will be immediately addressed and cleared up. Everyone respects the other regardless of their training, origin or past. Willingness to help is an important value in our company!

Responsible handling of company property

We expect that the premises and furnishings, as well as the machines and tools, are handled responsibly. Everyone in the company is equally responsible for order and cleanliness.
Wherever there is planing, chips will fall, and also something will break, whether a glass, a cup, a tool or a machine. However, it is not acceptable if this is not reported or if a defective machine/tool is simply put away.

Fair and friendly manner with customers and suppliers

We treat customers and suppliers friendly, fairly and respectfully.
We do not strive for short-term success or profit, but rather for long-term partnerships and we are always looking for the win-win situation. Good business is only good if it is good for both!

Responsible handling of alcohol

In the drink refrigerator in the SE lounge there are, among other things, beer and champagne. Alcohol is taboo during working hours. On Fridays during the traditional grill party it is fine to raise a glass of beer, just as it is occasionally at quitting time with colleagues.

We also like to toast success with a glass of champagne and it is the employee's decision whether to toast with champagne or a non-alcoholic drink. Everyone respects the preference of others and also during company parties no one is talked into consuming alcohol.

Treating nature responsibly

Every employee is independently responsible for energy consumption at their work place. Unnecessary lighting, devices and machines are switched off, especially during breaks.
We try to reduce chemicals to a minimum; unavoidable chemicals are stored and disposed of properly. Every employee is responsible for this in their area. We hold strictly to disposal guidelines and attempt to avoid waste.

Choosing your attitude

This statement from the FISH philosophy is over our entrance doors and has deep meaning!

Our environment, the world in which we live and work, is a mirror of our attitudes and expectations. [Earl Nightingale]

Everyone who enters our company can freely choose their attitude. Do I take my problem with me to the work place and am then in a bad mood, which my colleagues have to put up with, or do I leave it at home? How do I greet my colleagues, customers and suppliers? Do I like my work? And so on...

The statement over the entrance doors should remind us daily that we have the choice.

Team values

In a values workshop all employees have established values together that are important to us in the team and toward which we always strive.
These are our 6 most important team values

• Enjoying work
• Harmony
• Safety
• Fairness
• Appreciation
• Success

These values want to be "lived". If they remain unfulfilled, this affects the quality of life...

Places of well-being in the work environment

Many companies regard employees as costs, but for us employees are investments. Today the company that has the best and most modern machine is no longer ahead, many have that. According to our philosophy, that company is a step ahead who has the best, most motivated and most innovative employees. Therefore employees are a valuable investment for us. This creates a working environment that is comfortable and promotes creativity. Only someone who has a feeling of well-being bring their full performance.

For this reason we continually invest in our working environment and attempt to create the best possible feeling of well-being. Holistic architecture taking into account Feng-Shui and color theory are topics here.

A special thanks goes here to our architects Günter and Ellen Dechant!